Fifty Surefire website design Tips.

It may look cool to you, but cause your visitors to go wall eyed. To make your internet pages easy-to-read, remember to split up your paragraphs often and use subtitles. Most of the people will skim when making an attempt to find what they are searching for so when your paragraphs are tiny and parted by logical headings, it'll make it way easier on your visitor’s eyes. Always have your contact info identifiable on each page of your site.

Concealed contact information looks fishy and makes folks dubious of engaging in business with you.

Complement your brand with a tagline or familiar sentence that summarises your business reason. A favicon is that tiny graphic that appears next to the URL in the address bar. Utilize a color range and layout that are obviously recognized across your website. Learn more on the topic of Web Developer.

Design your pages to load in ten seconds ( 50Kb maximum size, including photos ). The marquee tag is a cool feature, but many overuse it. There are some examples where this feature works, but there are lots of where it does not. The average web visitor surfs with their Personal computer screen set to an eight hundred x six hundred resolution. I do not know about you, but I find that quite vexing.
