Part I : Getting Free Hits Using These simple pointers & Tricks.

Search sites still remain the one tool to generate free highly targeted traffic to any site, so make certain your site is indexed in each top search engine. The most vital meta tag is the “Title” tag which ought really to be kept fast.

And outline is “We sell all sorts of chocolates and candy here” for example. Them you have to have the same words somewhere in your page. This is how the search websites check the relevancy of the meta tags. These are just a few of the major meta tags which should really be there on each page.

** NEVER use refresh or redirect scripts on your index pages as almost all of the search websites will exclude those pages. First rule, NEVER have heaps of out-bound link on your index page and second exchange links with only those web site which have similar content or sell complementary products. The Web is the one sales environment where the buyer has total empowerment. Not only are you competing against the uncountable millions of other websites owners who sell the identical product / service as you, but you are also competing for users ‘ time and attention. While SEO and submission can bring you the traffic you want, only you can make sure that visitors will stay on your website by giving them an excuse to need to stay.

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