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Apache Directives for .htaccess

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Here is a list of the Apache Directives you can use in the .htaccess file.

  • AddCharSet: Maps the given filename extensions to the specified content charset.
  • AddEncoding: Maps the given filename extensions to the specified encoding type.
  • AddHandler: Maps the given filenames extension to a specific handler name.
  • AddLanguage: Maps the given filename extension to the specified content language.
  • AddType: Maps the given filename extension onto a specified content type.
  • DefaultLanguage: Tells Apache that all files in the directive’s scope that don’t have an explicit language extension should be considered to be in the specified MIME-lang language.
  • ForceType: Forces all matching files to be served as a specific content type.
  • RemoveEncoding: Removes any encoding associations for files with the given extensions.
  • RemoveHandler: Removes any handler associations for files with given extensions.
  • RemoveType: Removes any MIME type associations for files with the given extensions.
  • SetHandler: Forces all matching files to be parsed through a specific handler.

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