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Copy Entire Database or Rename Database

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Is there a way for me to copy an entire database in cPanel?

Is there a way for me to copy an entire database from another server?

You will need to export the original database, and import to a new database.

How to export?
  1. Go to existing database in phpMyAdmin
  2. Click Export at the top
  3. Leave the settings as they are, click the "Save as file" checkbox and click Go
  4. This will download a .sql file to your computer

How can I import a database?
  1. Create a new database in cPanel
  2. Go to phpMyAdmin
  3. Click the new database name in the top left
  4. Click Import in the main area of phpMyAdmin
  5. Browse for the .sql file on your computer and click Go

Note: phpMyAdmin will timeout after 30 seconds of attempting to import.

If you experience this timeout, please upload the database backup file to your Osirion account and email with the details. Our administrators will perform the import for you. For security reasons, it's best to upload your database to the /home/USERNAME section of your account. (Replace USERNAME with your cPanel username.)

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